To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.
To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.
This is a quote by Charles de Montesquieu. I believe that by this quote he means that people will revere leaders that do not see themselves as dictators but instead as one of the people. Even though as a leader, having the same status as a citizen would not be possible, although he or she could have a good relation to the people of the state and that would help gaining trust from them, thus strengthening his reign.
There could also be other aspects to this quote, such as if it would be harder to lead a population that have voted for you and support you or a population that has been forced to obey you. I believe that if the people are afraid of you and they follow you only by fear, it could be easier to rule for a shorter amount of time but you have the risk of a revolution, it will only be a temporary solution and you will risk your life as well. When the people become tired of your rule, someone might try to kill you in order to appoint a new ruler. On the other hand when you rule because you have been voted leader you have to keep the people happy and that is more difficult than just using fear to rule, but on the other hand you can skip the part where you might become murdered.
What do you think? Is it easier to reign when the people are afraid of you or if they admire you?
/Daniel S Wong
Very interesting Daniel
I think that it would be a lot easier to reign when the people are on your side and not against you.
Because very often it is that if nobody likes you, nobody wants you. And then it almost always end up bad.
Great entry and intresting!
I like this quote. I think it's easier to rule by fear, but it's better to rule when people are by your side and then you will keep the power longer.
By this quote I think he meant all the relationships with people, not just leadership. I mean, to be truly great you need to stand together with people around you. Even if you are on your own you need to respect people around you. You need to have the people around you in mind and think and feel with them, have their oppinions in mind. You can't be truly great if you stand above people and if you are way to egoistic.
Great entry and intresting!
I like this quote. I think it's easier to rule by fear, but it's better to rule when people are by your side and then you will keep the power longer.
By this quote I think he meant all the relationships with people, not just leadership. I mean, to be truly great you need to stand together with people around you. Even if you are on your own you need to respect people around you. You need to have the people around you in mind and think and feel with them, have their oppinions in mind. You can't be truly great if you stand above people and if you are way to egoistic.
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