Can you turn back a revolution?
In 1791 King Louise XVI and his queen Marie-Antoinette mad an attempt to flee Paris in secret, and to join the Austrian troops. When they only were a couple of kilometres from the Austrian border (they were in a small town called Varennes), where the queens brother waited with an army to help King Louis turn back the revolution and earn back his rights as the one and only ruler of France.
Can you turn back a revolution, and have the people be willing to go back to your side?
- Maybe the some people are scared of experiencing new things, and are comfortable with living life with someone else deciding what you can or can not do, or maybe people are sick and tired of having someone decide over your life and can’t wait to be yourself.
I think that you can’t turn back a revolution. I believe that when people have tasted the sweetness of democracy, an evil dictator will get his people back.
You can try to do as Kaddafi, threaten and bomb you own country/population (scare them over to his side again). But I think that nobody will want to go back to living a life with no voice in society.
But we don’t know if you can turn back a revolution because nobody has succeeded…yet. The only way we know that King Louis XVI didn’t succeed was because he got caught before he could try. And if Kaddafi will succeed we don’t know.
Do you think you can turn back a revolution?
/ Jerica Wahrén
A fine article Jerica!
I do not think that it is possible to turn back a revolution because of one reason: We cannot turn back time and go back in history. What is done is done. You can never create two equal pieces of art, because they will be different in some way. It might be possible to make something that is close to what was before, but I see no possibility to make two things twice. Please tell me if I am wrong!