“If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him.” – Voltaire
I would like to say that this quote from Voltaire is timeless. We have for a long time discuss over God and His existing. By saying that God do not exist or exist, we automatically say that God exist. Even if God do not exist as an own thing, He still exist in our mind, whether we believe in His existing or not. My opinion is that we need something greater than ourselves to believe in. By having something greater than ourselves we have something to look up to and live for. What would our lives be worth living for if we do not have anything to live for?
It is not unlikely that God do not exist after all and that we have invented Him. If God do not exist, we would actually be living exactly the same way, believing in a God that does not exist. Perhaps it does not even matter whether God exist or not.
This quote can also reflect our lives in general. If there were things that did not exist, we would invent them. If we do not feel hope, we invent the feeling of hope. It is the same with happiness. If we do not feel happiness, we invent the feeling. I think it is the same with every feeling. If the feeling we should have is not there, we invent the right feeling.
Now, today, I think all of us want to have spring for real. Then every sign of spring becomes spring. Basically we invent the spring, even do when the spring is not here. So, we invent things that do not exist because we want them to exist. What do you think about this? Do we invent thing that does not exist?
/ Linnéa
Really interesting thoughts Linnea, I would say that everything exist because we invent it. I think all abstract objects, we need to invent to make them exist because otherwise they don't. If we never ever had thought about God or anything else abstract object for that matter or cared about it, it of course would never had exist. :)
Interesting article!
I also think that having something greater to live for and believe in may be necessary to want to live. However, this doesn't always need to be a belief in God. Something greater to believe in may simply be the belief in man's good-will, in kindness or simply the belief that somehow, no matter how, everything will be all right. If this is a God that makes everything all right, mankind in general or one person may not be as important as many people think.
I couldn't agree with you more.
Everything we know about obviously exists, at least in our minds. And many people walking on this Earth need a helping hand, and therefore it is good that religion exists. Maybe they won't survive the day if they don't have a supernatural power to comfort them
Thank you all for reading my article and comment on it! :)
I agree with all of you, and you have already been reading my thoughts.
I believe that all the abstract objects exist becasue we invent them, like you said Nora.
As you said Lia, of course it is not necessary that there is a God to belive in. It could something else, just as you said.
Sebastian, I agree with you. I also think that it is good that religion exist, so that people can believe in it and feel comfort and have someone that always is there for just that person that needs it.