René Descartes

René Descartes was born 1596 in France and he died 1950 in Stockholm, Sweden.

He was a philosopher and is maybe most famous for (Cogito, ergo sum) I think therefore I am.

Already as a kid his critical thinking made him doubt learning by reading books.

We should be thinking critically and don’t believe everything we hear.

He said that if you think you exist. I believe that he is right, we have to think for ourselves.

This must have made some people think about what they actually are doing.

For example, why go to church if you don’t believe in god. Why should I pray to and praise someone that maybe doesn’t even exist.

I believe it was harder to think independently under this age because maybe you were used to be told what to do.

Maybe people were dependent of others to know what to do?

But when generation after generation grew up whit this idea, I believe that it’s easier to think independently for us.

Nowadays most people are able to thing for themselves.

At the same time we are better at making people believe that they need a certain product.

Read more about René Descartes at:


Postat av: Unni

I agree with you. Ww should think what we belive and what we want to belive. not what everybody tells us. Everyone shoulde be as independent to think bythemselfs. Good article ;)

2011-03-28 @ 10:46:06
Postat av: jakob lundén

I agree with you too but at the other hand is the human depending of human contact and we are like pack animals. Different public collections make it easy for humans to meet up even if it doesn't fit everyone. At the other hand is there a lot of different groups so the most people could probably find one with there own interest, believe etc.

2011-04-13 @ 22:16:26

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