The Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution
The Declaration of Independence marks the official separation between the 13 colonies in North America and the British Empire. It was written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, who also came to be the third president of the newly created nation, one year after the start of the American Revolutionary War. If you want to read more on the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution you should check out these couple of links:
Anyhow, why was this independence inevitable for the American colonies? Well, very much has to do with king at the time, George III. America is very far away from Britain, and George wanted firm control over these colonies, some of them newly acquired from France in the aftermath of the French and Indian War. He then established acts, which either taxed the colonists or gave the king more control over the colony trading. He even forced the colonists pay for British military placed in the colonies (the Quartering Act 1765). The colonists did not like this, not one bit. 1776 the Declaration of Independence, was established, after over a decade of this kind of treatment. It wasn’t possible for the colonists to live under this cruel treatment; hence they broke free. In the war following they had great use for the help coming from the French. Why one might ask did the French help push the American Revolution? Well, it is simple, the British were a threat to France, and they did not like each other. The American Revolution succeeded, and the commander-in-chief during the war; George Washington took office April 30, 1789.
I see the Declaration of Independence as one of the most important events in the history of time. The colonization of the world which came to the event has changed the world. What would the world look like without the US? Would the United Kingdom be the greatest power of the world, or would there be a lot of different small former colonies in North America, like in South America or Africa? Think of all the major events during the 19th and 20th centuries, the United States are involved in almost all of them. They played a big part in the world wars, the cold war, they won the space race against the Soviet Union, when Neil Armstrong walked the moon, I could keep doing this all day. Point is; the United States has been involved in everything, everywhere. What do you guys think? How important was the American Revolution for the world we live in today, is it the most important event in the historic time?
By: Andreas Larsson
Jolly good article Andreas!
I see the proverb “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” as a reason for the struggle between France and England in America. Of course the Declaration of Independence is an important event, but I do not know if I see it as the most important event. There are many events that have occurred in the history of men that have proven to be essential for us in the future. I find it difficult to compare events and to discuss which one that was the most important, since so many scenarios have been fundamental for the future. However, USA’s history is of course important since USA was on of the major countries especially during the 20th century.
Once again, a fine piece of work!