The Piano
The piano was invented around year 1698 by Bartolomeo Cristofori from Italy. The description of the new invention was "harpsichord (cembalo) that plays both softly and loudly". The piano was a result of many centuries of work with the harpsichord. From Cristofori's piano has much happened. Many improvements have been added by people during centuries. Many great writers of classical music used the piano when they created works which we hear even today, like Bach and Mozart. Today we hear the result of Cristofori's device everyday when we listen on the radio, our iPod or to Spotify.
According to me is music creativity, but as you can see: music requires lots of science. Bach and Mozart could never have written their songs if nobody had invented the piano for them. It is the same way if you want to do a scientific investigation, well not the same way but the other way around. To be able to come up with ideas of how to investigate something you have to use your creativity. So creativity and science have a very close relation! Therefore is it good that we all are good at different things because we all help each other by inspiring to do something creative or give ideas to do some science.
Can you call a person creative OR scientific or are we all a mix of these qualities?
/ Hanna Walander
Indeed a good and interesting article Hannah!
The piano is a very important invention that has been very useful for mankind ever since it was invented.
I agree with you when you say that creativity requires a lot of science and vice versa. Because I think that creativity and science live in symbiosis and what affects one of them will ultimately affect the other one. And this is also a part of humanity’s evolution since without the piano, Bach and Mozart would be nothing (as you said). So everything we do affects us since we live in symbiosis.
Therefore I believe that we all are a mix of these qualities (Of course some are more and some are less).
Thank you Olof!
I totally agree about the symbiosis! That was a good way to describe it! =)
Nice work Hanna!
I am pretty certain that there is, as Olof said, a symbiosis between science and creativity. At least I think that it is very hard to be creative about something without knowing anything about it first. Let's say that there were one scientist without any creativity and one creative man without any knowledge about science at all. If we put them in the same room, will there be an awesome never-seen-before lab that, I don't know, proves that there is a God? No, of course not. Because to come up with an experiment, you need to, as you say, have knowledge about the subject and be creative. And if the scientist thought the creative person everything he knew, wouldn't that mean that the creative person suddenly is both parts? ;)
You are right Sebastian! Liked your last sentence! =)
Great job Hanna!
Can't help but agree with Olof and Sebastian. Even though it's much easier to invent something when you are both scientific and creative doesn't mean you can't come up with new things anyway. Do you think Newton had be creative to ask himself the question why apples fall to the ground? I don't think so, but to figure out how to meassure the force(gravity) he had to be creative! And by the time Bach and Mozart had figured out that pressing the tangents on a piano make sound, did they need to be sientific from that moment? Probably not, but it would make things easier. Because they would be able to structure it in another way. What I'm trying to say is that you must ask yourself what you want to acomplish and then it's only a question of time till you figure out how to solve it. Of course you need to be both, but depending on what you're going to do, you need different amount of the qualities to get around the "problem".